You can regain control in your eating habits. 
And you don’t have to do it alone.

If you’ve always struggled with weight and body image…

If you feel out of control with your relationship to food…

If you just want to feel good in your body… 

Then empathetic, encouraging, and empowering wellness coaching may be for you.

Hi. Kaitlin Rohowetz here, founder of A Better Body.

I’ve been in your shoes. It’s why I became a massage therapist over 13 years ago: I just wanted to feel better. And after I did, I started helping others to feel better, too.

I became a certified Health and Life Coach to offer my clients more with the truly holistic support they deserve.

“Kaitlin helped me through a really tough time in my career; a time when my health was on the back-burner. She empowered me to make time for myself and nurture my body with exercise and nutrition - without feeling like I was on a diet! Amazing experience.”

— Aby D., Philadelphia, PA

If you're ready to improve your relationship with food, yourself, and your body, wellness coaching is for you. 

It’s nothing less than you deserve.

New! Corporate Wellness Coaching now available.

Looking for full-service workplace wellness? A Better Body is your one-stop shop.

Boost employee health and morale with our mini sessions and group wellness workshops for organizations. Send us an email to get started building your custom workplace wellness program.

Wellness Coaching FAQs

What is wellness coaching?

Whether you’re working 1:1 or with one of our group settings, wellness coaching is about accountability and community. It’s knowing where to start. It’s supported through setbacks and challenges on your wellness journey. It’s life-changing.

Who is wellness coaching for?

It’s for anyone and everyone, though my area of expertise is working with women who struggle with stress eating. 

Skinny doesn’t necessarily mean healthy. I help my clients focus on building better habits and addressing the underlying reasons for stress eating. Focusing on sustainable weight loss means focusing on health, not just weight.

What kind of issues can we work on together?

This will depend on your goals, like: 

Regaining control and confidence with your eating habits 
Feeling confident and sexy in your own skin
Increasing your energy
Sustainable weight loss
Stress eating 
Body image and self-efficacy
Career advancement 

What are your goals?

Tell me by booking your FREE Take Back Control Strategy Session now.

Client testimonials

  • “As a physician with over 30 years of experience, I have always found that weight loss and maintenance are very difficult to achieve, both for patients and for myself. I attended one of Kaitlin’s online seminars with a mixture of hope and skepticism. I have a sweet tooth, and I didn’t really believe that there was a way for me to lose and maintain weight loss without constantly craving sweets. Kaitlin has helped me lose over 15 pounds and maintain it! She has helped me with awareness of what my body wants, solutions for stress and boredom eating, and building healthy habits without a feeling of deprivation. She has also helped me find creativity in my life and has helped me to state what I want and go after it. The biggest result has been losing the weight and BELIEVING that I can keep it off! Thanks, Kaitlin!”

    — Richard E.

  • “Kaitlin is very knowledgeable, and completely catered the coaching session to me. I love cooking and eating, and I understand the principles of healthy eating, but wanted to kick some stress eating and snack habits. Thanks Kaitlin!”

    — Leslie, Madison WI

  • “When I first started working with Kaitlin, I had already tried a lot of things and I was really struggling with stress eating and sugar intake, which was adding a lot of unwanted weight. Through her help I cut back on sugar, and I didn’t miss it! I was worried I would feel restricted and I never did. I’m impressed by the many tools and ideas Kaitlin has and her problem solving skills. She’s given me what no other program I’ve tried has to offer. I lost weight, I’m easily getting in exercise I enjoy, like yoga and hiking, and continuously eating healthy foods that I love. It’s a lifestyle now!”

    — Barb M., Eugene, OR

  • “Kaitlin helped me identify my desires & challenged me to reach into my community for accountability....I sought out Kaitlin because health is a channel to break quarantine sluggishness & return to a more thoughtful, bright, and summery personality. Through extensive confrontation with my food narratives, we developed systems that will sustain future health wins.”

    — Nichole W., Verona, WI

  • “I have to gush a bit about Kaitlin. She has such a patient and kind demeanor that I instantly felt at ease with her as my coach. Even when I have a hard time describing my own thoughts and feelings, she has a way of helping me find my way out of my own head, listening closely and making my thoughts more concise. I had a ‘light bulb’ moment with Kaitlin recently that I will forever appreciate, helping me take a huge step forward in my life and my career. I hope many others are able to benefit from her coaching as she uses her skills and experience to continue inspiring and supporting others.”

    — Kristina F., Chicago, IL

  • “I’ve struggled with weight my entire life, committing to A Better Body Coaching and working with Kaitlin has been one of the most empowering experiences of my life. She is professional, well informed, and insightful. Kaitlin is genuinely patient and an exceptional teacher. I learned so much from this program about myself, my thoughts about my body, and my relationship with food. Together we made goals to focus on each week and when the times came that I missed the mark, she continued to encourage me. By the end of each meeting I felt a boost of confidence and believed “I can do this” as I tackled the upcoming week's goals. Her ability to be empathetic is entirely organic. She always made the space with her feel safe, which allowed me to really dig deep. Self doubt, because of being unsuccessful in the past, played a role while deciding if I should participate in the program. Ultimately, I decided that I needed to try something I’ve never done to get the results I’ve never had, and took a leap of faith. I am so thankful that I didn’t allow fear to dictate my decision because this coaching has been a total game changer for me. The mantra I created while in the program will forever have a place on my kitchen wall & in my soul. “I AM worthy of living a healthy life” and “I AM capable of making lasting change”

    — Kirstie K. Madison, WI

  • “I found Kaitlin to be a great life coach! I loved how each week we started with what was going right based on the set goals from the prior week. I found it to be a reinforcement by beginning with what was going well vs. what didn’t go well. It served as a reminder that even a small step in the right direction was still stepping in the right direction. I had a few emotional hiccups during the 12 weeks of our session. Kaitlin was able to help redirect me and get me back on track. It was a good reminder that life happens, and it isn’t always black and white. It forced me to be more flexible with my goals yet not to abolish them. One of my goals was to hit the gym four days/week over the 12 weeks. I instead made it to the gym five days/week all but one week (and that particular week, I still hit my goal of 4 days/week)! I consider that a success, all because Kaitlin kept me accountable! Furthermore, these small successes also helped me indirectly with my goal to improve my overall mental health and self-esteem. If you are looking for someone to help get you back on track and keep you accountable, I would recommend connecting with Kaitlin!”

    — Kathy M., Madison, WI

  • “Kaitlin always asked good questions that made me think about what and why these goals were important to me. As the sessions went along, I found that my goals morphed into something much bigger than losing weight and getting more sleep. I found that I am creating habits (some healthy, some downright wrong) for and with my kids. I know they are watching our every move! My goals are now focused on teaching my children to be productive humans that will (hopefully) live a full and happy life when they are adults. Through practice, patience and persistence I hope to leave them with healthy habits around food, electronics, relationships, rest, self care and so much more! I have learned a lot, but know I have so much more to learn. I look forward to working with Kaitlin again in the future. Thanks for the opportunity to learn more and do better.”

    — Shannon E., Mount Horeb, WI